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The Aeolian
Aeolian Artefacts takes conceptually as a reference an ancient instrument, known as the Aeolian Harp (cf. Kircher, A. ca 1650.), that was used as an object that enables sacred spaces, such as mountains and temples, to "have a voice" according to an automatic mechanism that played with strings and resonators by the aleatoric forces of wind. This artistic practice achieved the concretion of pioneer scientific advances in acoustics, music theory, and instrument invention to register natural phenomena. Recently, sound artists and experimental musicians, including Gordon Monahan and John Grzinich, worked with Aeolian Harps for sound installations to record ambient interactions of wind with string-to-building resonators, to activate spaces sonically, producing uncanny and "supernatural" recordings that blend wind forces and material and spatial qualities into a single sonic material.

Aeolian Artefacts is a piece that brings to the audience an experience of Augmented Listening of the Wind, where subtle changes in an open-air environment drive generative soundscapes. Using wind sensitive systems to detect orientation and speed of the wind, and acoustic events that are registered and processed as a generative sound piece by a network of sensor networks. The experience of augmented listening is interested to perceive the changes in wind and temperature are detected and processed by electro-acoustic devices. The nodes used to perform the installation include transmission and reception devices that operate within an ecosystem of environmental and electromagnetic signals, articulated in an auto-generative way. Different dynamics of the wind are recognized as a phenomenon that encompasses the micro to the macro temporal structure. The resulting sound piece emphasizes the wind as a phenomenon disseminated and reconstructed by means of the electronic process and radio signals: that is manifested as a system of functions, which resembles the cycles of the climate in our planet.
Exhibición 2. Creación en movimiemto. FONCA. Centro Nacional de las Artes. San Luis Potosí, México.
Exhibición 3. Generate!* Festival 2017

FONCA. Jóvenes Creadores (Multimedia) 2016-2017.
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