Aeolian Artefacts from Juan Duarte Regino on Vimeo.
This is a collaborative workshop to build wind-driven sonic artefacts. It aims to create an installation of sonic objects which respond to wind force to produce sound. These sonic objects will combine electronic and mechanical techniques, each offering different possibilities of expression and dynamics to consider.
Aeolian Artifacts is a was possible thanks to the invaluable help of Ptarmigan Estonia. The workshop and other activities from the residence was supported by the KK Nord Nordic-Baltic mobility programme

The sonic intervention will occur in an open space in Tallinn, as a performance/installation where the participants will present their resulting instruments to create an improvised soundscape driven by wind. The foundation of the workshop is based on the Pulsar Kite project by current Ptarmigan artist-in-residence Juan Duarte, which combines physical computing and real-time sound processing. In order to explore innovative ways to develop this idea, it is encouraged to deconstruct this working principle to find alternative methods of interaction with the networks of sensors and objects that can integrate to the Aeolian instruments context.
The result aims to combine both instruments in a intervention / performance based on the sound sources: two kinds of kites, both 1) physical modulators (hardware/software means), and 2) mechanical sound generators (whistling or rattling mechanisms).

Annika Kangur, one of the participants of the first workshop helped to spread the word after his experience in Aeolian Artifacts workshop, this inspired to do a similar intervention by students of Põltsamaa Kunstikool (art school) to make their own wind driven artifacts. Here is one video from their work. Pretty cool, I think.